Monday, May 15, 2023

Crest "Smiles for a Lifetime"


Click to watch.


Director: Eli Meir Kaplan
Writer: Josh Weinstein
DP: Tyler Davis
Producer: Eli Meir Kaplan
Gaffer: Taylor Roesch
Sound Operator: Mike Schoen
Hair/Makeup Stylist: Kim Reyes
Wardrobe Stylist: Alyssa Sadler
Talent: Linda Townsend MGMT
Editor: Eli Meir Kaplan
Colorist: Faction
PA: Elon Durant

Cost to produce the spot? 

It cost around $5,000 to produce the spot

Why this script/concept? How does it reflect your vision as a commercial director?

I specialize in emotionally compelling storytelling. I searched through most of the scripts and found a few that I resonated with. Of those, Crest "Smiles For A Lifetime" was the most economically feasible (small cast, one affordable location)

What was the casting process like?

I cast most of the talent through Backstage. The adult version of the child was difficult because I wanted to use a real family that had a daughter. Linda Townsend MGMT helped me find a family for that particular role.

How did you search for/lock a location?

I used Airbnb. I was looking for a house that had two distinct bathrooms that didn't look modern.

How did you select your DP, crew?

I'm a commercial photographer and often hire most of the people who were on the crew. There were a few people who I hadn't worked with--such as the wardrobe stylist. I always make a point of hiring people who are able to help on spec projects. I had worked on the DP on a short film--his work is phenomenal. I was lucky that he was willing to collaborate on this.

How did shooting go? Any challenges?

Everything went relatively smoothly. We took a little long with the first scene and had to move more quickly for the rest--we ended up cutting out a shot. There was also a mixup with the Airbnb and renters entered the house toward the end of our shoot. I asked them to stay in the basement. That kind of threw me off. Parking was also an issue.

Tell us about editing and finishing.

I edited the project in Final Cut Pro. The original cut was around :60 and I wanted to cut it down to :30. I found the best way is to delete and shorten shots from the at :60 edit rather than try to fit everything into :30 from the beginning. Faction handled the color grading. I worked with a motion graphics designer from Upwork on the Crest logo at the end. He nailed it.

In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently?

Yes, I think I tried too hard to hit emotional notes. It seems to work better when I don't try to turn on the waterworks and it just unfolds organically.

Any other thoughts.

It takes a lot of effort to put spec shoots together, but it's SO worth it. There's nothing like creating a compelling story from scratch.

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